Deleting A Measure

Methvin allows you to place Count, Length, Area, Wall area, Volume and End-Area measurements on your plans and quantify those measurements in the bill of quantities table. However, you may occasionally need to delete these measurements. This section will guide you through the steps to delete measurements effectively.

Deleting A Measure Directly from the Plan

  1. On the plan, right-click on the specific measure you want to delete. This will open a context menu.
  2. From the context menu, select the "Remove" option to delete the measure directly from the plan. This will prompt a confirmation dialog.
  3. Confirm the deletion in the dialog box that appears. Once confirmed, that measure will be removed from the plan.

Delete A Measure From The bill of Quantities Table

  1. In the bill of quantities table, locate the measurement you wish to delete.
  2. Right-click on the specific measurement in the bill of quantities table. This action will open a context menu with several options.
  3. From the context menu, select the "Delete Task" option. This will prompt a confirmation dialog.
  4. Confirm the deletion in the dialog box that appears. Once confirmed, all elements associated with that measurement will be removed from the plan and the bill of quantities table.

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