Estimating User Guide

Get Started

Explanation of Simple Resources

Create a new Resource from inside the Resource Table.

  1. Navigate to the Section Header into which you would like to add your new resource, if necessary you can create a new category for additional general ledger grouping.
  2. Adding a Section Header or Resource.
    1. Select the line item from the Resource Table where you would like to add your new Item.
    2. Then use the context menu or the Application Menu Add Item Icon.
    3. This will either add a Resource below the selected Resource or add the Resource as a child to the selected Section Header.
    4. Then add the resource Description, Rate and Unit

⚠ Create a new Resource from within a Worksheet

To edit or access a new worksheet for pricing Bill Items or Complex Resources, either double click on the Cost Rate or Rate column respectively, otherwise you can use the open worksheet icon at the end of each record.

  1. Add a new line item to a blank Worksheet, by accessing the Context menu or from the Application Toolbar.
  2. Then navigate to the resource column and type Enter
  3. This will activate the resource add new, edit or dropbox selector.
  4. Enter the new Resource Description and type Enter
  5. This will open the Save New Resource form:
    1. Navigate to the Resource Section Header where you would like to save your New Resource.
    2. Or add a new Resource Section Header to save the New Resource
    3. Select the Save option
    4. Then tab to the Rate column and Enter the Resource Rate
    5. Tab again through to the Unit column and Enter the Unit

Pricing you first Bill Item Worksheet

  1. The resource description, rate and unit is now displayed on the worksheet.
  2. The resource Skilled Labourer is 15.25 /hr and the bill item is per m3.
  3. Enter your equation calculation *10 hrs /day /50m3 /day. “
  4. The calculation is entered in the Equation column.

Save Your Worksheet Options

The worksheet has to be stored to reflect the net rate in the Bill. The Store modes available are:

  1. Save & next worksheet: Store the current worksheets and displays the next bill items worksheet
  2. Store & return to document: Store the current worksheet and return to the Bill

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