Resources Table Structure

Layout and structure of the Resource Table for Reporting and General Ledger export 

⚠️Resource Table Structure:

  1. Section Header Level 1 - Is normally split into two buckets Assemblies and Accounting Packages:
    1. Assemblies: This heading should only have Complex Resources allocated to it (NB The Assemblies Section Total should have a value of Nil)
    2. Accounting Package Headings: Labour, Plant, Material, Consumables and Subcontractors etc.
  2. Section Level 2 and beyond: Are for additional detail, the user can continue to break down his Resources into unlimited accounting groups.


Resources Table Structure

⚠︎ Example of the Resource Section Headers structure:

  • Assemblies > Cartage: Aggregate cartage < 15 minutes - 10t per load @ 6.86 per tonne
  • Labour > Direct Labour: Carpenter @ 28.47 per hour
  • Materials > Watermains > Pipes: 100mm PN9 x 6.0m uPVC Pipe  @ 9.09 per meter
  • Consumables > Plant: Diesel @ 1.02  per liter
  • Subcontractors > Civils: Drainage @ 1.00 sum (open the worksheets select the subbie resource, then enter the subcontractor price in the equation field)


Set Resource Section Levels:

  1. Select the range of items below the resource you wish to convert into a Resource Heading 
  2. Then use the Context menu or the Application Toolbar to indent the selected items.
  3. This converts the Resource Line Item into a Resource Header

For worksheet pricing, we need to create some resources. The Resource Types have already been defined above.

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