Pricing Alternatives

The Pricing Alternatives feature lets you add and manage alternative quantities for your BOQ items. This is useful when you want to evaluate different scenarios or options for your project. The alternatives can be compared side by side to your main Bill of Quantities. You can input alternative quantities for any bill item, and the system will calculate the respective alternative amount based on the rates in your pricing worksheet. You can create up to eight different alternatives for each BOQ item. These alternatives are displayed as columns in the "Alternatives" tab, where each column represents a different alternative scenario.

Accessing the Pricing Alternatives

  1. To use the Pricing Alternatives feature, click the Pricing Alternatives  located at the right of the toolbar.
  2. By default, columns for "Alternative Quantities," "Alternative Amounts," and "Total Amounts" will be visible.

Toggle Alternative Columns

  1. Show or hide different alternative columns by clicking the dropdown menu in the header of either "Alternative Quantities" or "Alternative Amounts." You can hide all but one column (one alternative must always remain visible).

Note: You can view up to 8 alternatives simultaneously, making it easy to compare different scenarios.

Enter Alternative Quantities

  1. To enter an alternative quantity, click on the "Alternative Quantities" cell in front of the bill item and input the desired quantity in the desired alternative column.
  2. The system will automatically calculate and display the alternative amount based on the rates of the item in the worksheet attached.

Viewing Total Amounts

The Total Amount row will summarize the total cost for each alternative across all BOQ items, allowing you to compare costs for different project scenarios.

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