Currency Settings

Methvin provides comprehensive currency management for both projects and individual resources. Users can select between project and local currencies, adjust exchange rates, and specify different currencies for resources. This ensures accurate cost tracking and flexibility across various currency systems.

Set Project Currency

To set the project and local currencies,

  1. Access Currency Settings in the tool menu and select Project Currency  from the drop down.
  2. This will open a popup window where you can set the project and local currency.

Set Resource Currency

To set currency of individual resource,

  1. Select Resource Currency from the Currency Settings menu or by clicking on the Resource currency icon  in the toolbar.
  2. Upon selection, additional columns of base rate, base currency, exchange rate and lock currency will appear for each resource in front of it.
  3. Use the Base Currency dropdown to change the currency of any resource as required.

Locking Resource Currency

Once you’ve set the currency for a resource, you can lock it by checking the Lock Currency column. This ensures that the currency rate remains fixed, even if the overall exchange rates are updated.

Update Exchange Rates

To refresh exchange rates, click Update Exchange Rate  from the Currency Settings menu or the tool bar. This will update the rates for all unlocked resources, ensuring that the project reflects the most current currency values.

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